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Setting NChartControl.Settings.ShapeRenderingMode to AntiAlias or HighQuality causes NLineSeries to have a speckled appearance when NCartesianChart.Enable3D = True. Can this be prevented without the use of jittering? Run the following example and toggle the CheckBoxes to observe the issue. Also notice that the chart changes size when NCartesianChart.Enable3D is toggled which is undesirable. Public Class AntiAliasForm Inherits Windows.Forms.Form
Private _ChartControl1 As Nevron.Chart.WinForm.NChartControl Private WithEvents _CheckBox1 As Windows.Forms.CheckBox Private WithEvents _CheckBox2 As Windows.Forms.CheckBox
Public Sub New() Me.Size = New Drawing.Size(800, 624) Me.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen
Dim chart As New Nevron.Chart.NCartesianChart chart.Enable3D = True chart.Projection.SetPredefinedProjection(Nevron.GraphicsCore.PredefinedProjection.Orthogonal) Call AddLineSeries(250, 0.5#, Drawing.Color.Black, chart)
Dim chartBounds As New Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, Me.ClientSize.Width, Me.ClientSize.Height - 24) Me._ChartControl1 = New Nevron.Chart.WinForm.NChartControl Me._ChartControl1.Charts.Clear() Me._ChartControl1.Charts.Add(chart) Me._ChartControl1.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Left Or AnchorStyles.Top Or AnchorStyles.Right Or AnchorStyles.Bottom Me._ChartControl1.Bounds = chartBounds Me._ChartControl1.Settings.JitterMode = Nevron.Chart.JitterMode.Disabled ' 'ISSUE: Setting NChartControl.Settings.ShapeRenderingMode to AntiAlias or HighQuality causes NLineSeries to have a speckled appearance when NCartesianChart.Enable3D = True. Me._ChartControl1.Settings.ShapeRenderingMode = Nevron.GraphicsCore.ShapeRenderingMode.AntiAlias 'Me._ChartControl1.Settings.ShapeRenderingMode = Nevron.GraphicsCore.ShapeRenderingMode.HighQuality 'Me._ChartControl1.Settings.ShapeRenderingMode = Nevron.GraphicsCore.ShapeRenderingMode.HighSpeed ' Me.Controls.Add(Me._ChartControl1)
Me._CheckBox1 = New Windows.Forms.CheckBox Me._CheckBox1.Text = "Enable 3D" Me._CheckBox1.Location = New Drawing.Point(0, Me._ChartControl1.Bottom) Me._CheckBox1.AutoSize = True Me._CheckBox1.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Left Or AnchorStyles.Bottom Me._CheckBox1.Checked = Me._ChartControl1.Charts(0).Enable3D Me.Controls.Add(Me._CheckBox1)
Me._CheckBox2 = New Windows.Forms.CheckBox Me._CheckBox2.Text = "Enable AntiAlias" Me._CheckBox2.Location = New Drawing.Point(Me._CheckBox1.Right + 4, Me._ChartControl1.Bottom) Me._CheckBox2.AutoSize = True Me._CheckBox2.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Left Or AnchorStyles.Bottom Me._CheckBox2.Checked = (Me._ChartControl1.Settings.ShapeRenderingMode = Nevron.GraphicsCore.ShapeRenderingMode.AntiAlias) Me.Controls.Add(Me._CheckBox2) End Sub Private Sub AddLineSeries( _ ByVal count As Integer, _ ByVal phaseOffset As Double, _ ByVal color As Drawing.Color, _ ByVal chart As Nevron.Chart.NCartesianChart)
Dim series As New Nevron.Chart.NLineSeries series.DataLabelStyle.Visible = False series.BorderStyle.Color = color series.BorderStyle.Width = New Nevron.GraphicsCore.NLength(2.5!) ' Call Me.AddLineData(count, phaseOffset, series)
chart.Series.Add(series) End Sub Private Sub AddLineData( _ ByVal count As Integer, _ ByVal phaseOffset As Double, _ ByVal series As Nevron.Chart.NLineSeries)
Dim prevYVal As Double = 0 Dim prevXVal As Double = 0
Dim valueCount As Integer = series.Values.Count
If valueCount > 0 Then prevYVal = CDbl(series.Values(valueCount - 1)) prevXVal = CDbl(series.XValues(valueCount - 1)) End If
Dim xValues As Double() = New Double(count - 1) {} Dim yValues As Double() = New Double(count - 1) {}
Const constValue As Double = 0.5# 'Replaces the random value from the example. Dim magnitude As Double = 0.01 + constValue * 5
' continuous Dim angle As Double = 2 * Math.PI * phaseOffset Dim phase As Double = 10 * (Math.PI * 2 * constValue) / count + 0.0001
Dim i As Integer = 0 Do While i < count Dim yStep As Double = Math.Sin(angle) * magnitude Dim xStep As Double = 0.01 + constValue * magnitude
If xStep < 0 Then xStep = 0 End If
angle += phase prevXVal += xStep
yValues(i) = prevYVal + yStep xValues(i) = prevXVal i += 1 Loop
series.Values.AddRange(yValues) series.XValues.AddRange(xValues) End Sub
Private Sub _CheckBox1_CheckedChanged(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles _CheckBox1.CheckedChanged Me._ChartControl1.Charts(0).Enable3D = Me._CheckBox1.Checked Me._ChartControl1.Refresh() End Sub
Private Sub _CheckBox2_CheckedChanged(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles _CheckBox2.CheckedChanged If (Me._CheckBox2.Checked) Then Me._ChartControl1.Settings.ShapeRenderingMode = Nevron.GraphicsCore.ShapeRenderingMode.AntiAlias Else Me._ChartControl1.Settings.ShapeRenderingMode = Nevron.GraphicsCore.ShapeRenderingMode.Default End If End Sub
End Class
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Hi Lance, This appearance is caused by the OpenGL line rendering itself so there so not much we can do there. Regarding the size change - you can limit this effect by settings bounds mode to Fit: chartchart.BoundsMode = Nevron.GraphicsCore.BoundsMode.Fit Let us know if you meet any problems.
Best Regards, Nevron Support Team