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Line chart: General tooltips incorrect when line is autosampled (

Posted By Kevin Harrison 9 Years Ago

Line chart: General tooltips incorrect when line is autosampled...

Kevin Harrison
Question Posted 9 Years Ago
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I'm creating line series and using line.SamplingMode = SeriesSamplingMode.Auto
I set individual point tooltips for up to 2048 points using InteractivityStyles.Add for each point
This all works fine.. However, for performance I set a generic tooltip for more than 2048 points, using:
nevronSeries.InteractivityStyle = new NInteractivityStyle( 
string.Format( CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "{0}: <xvalue>{2}{1}: <value>",  xTitle,   YTitle, Environment.NewLine));
However, all tooltips display 0 for <xvalue> and <value> when the line is sampled.
The tooltips are correct if I don't set a SamplingMode.
Is this a bug?
- On a separate note, is there a way for me to supply a tooltip dynamically when the mouse is hovered over a point rather than supplying all tooltips upfront? It's very wasteful of resources!



Nevron Support
Posted 9 Years Ago
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Hi Kevin,

This is by design - when in sampled mode the chart does not record individual information for hit testing purposes on a per data point basis. This is done to improve performance. You can overcome the problem by getting the nearest data point and displaying relevant information in a tooltip for it. We have also modified the tooltip tool to have an public virtual method called GetTooltipFromPoint which you'll have to override and return a tooltip based on the currently hit tested mouse position. We'll publish a SP about this today or tomorrow. Hope this helps - let us know if you have any questions.

Best Regards,
Nevron Support Team

Kevin Harrison
Posted 9 Years Ago
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Hi guys

That sounds really useful. We'd already discovered GetTooltipFromPoint wasn't virtual. The next question is how do I get the nearest data point as GetTooltipFromPoint gives me the mouse location and it sounds like I can't use NHitTestResult.DataPointIndex?



Nevron Support
Posted 9 Years Ago
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Hi Kevin,
Just a short note that we published a SP that exposes the GetTooltipFromPoint method. Regarding the closest value - if you wish to search the closest value in just one particular dimension (for example closest x value) you can use the FindClosestValue method of the respective series:

int closestDataPointIndex = someSeries.XValues.FindClosestValue(someValue, false); // second argument specifies whether the series is ordered

Otherwise you need to perform the following:
1.Convert the view coordinate to scale coordinate.
2. Loop through the data points and find the closest data point.

Hope this helps - let us know if you meet any problems.

Best Regards,
Nevron Support Team

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