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Maps - displaying two sets of data

Posted By Kevin Harrison 8 Years Ago

Maps - displaying two sets of data

Kevin Harrison
Posted 8 Years Ago
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Do you have a suggestion on how I can display two sets of data on a map? For example, I want to show the population and another value, say, number of accidents per person, for each shape.

We have old, in house, software, that effectively added 3D bars projecting out of a map surface, but it is not compatible with our current solutions, and Nevron Diagram does not have this capability.

How we can present this type of data to the user using Nevron Diagram?



Nevron Support
Posted 8 Years Ago
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Hi Kevin,

Can you please send us a screenshot that illustrates your requirement and we will advise you how to implement it.

Best Regards,
Nevron Support Team

Kevin Harrison
Posted 8 Years Ago
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The attached isn't a brilliant example but it might give you an idea.
73% of original size (was 688x19) - Click to enlarge

Ignore the base map detail in this image. I need a way to colour the shapes according to one set of data which is the current standard Nevron map behaviour, but also somehow display a second set of data attached to those same shapes. The example here is using 3D, but Nevron maps can't do that. Is there a mechanism in maps which allows me to associate two sets of data with a set of shapes and have them both visible and understandable?

Hope this makes sense


Nevron Support
Posted 8 Years Ago
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Hi Kevin,
You can achieve this result by using a combination of Nevron Chart and Nevron Diagram. The idea is to generate a texture which is mapped to the floor of the chart and then use XYZ scatter bars. The following white paper talks about this briefly:
Let us know if you have any questions or meet any problems.

Best Regards,
Nevron Support Team

Kevin Harrison
Posted 8 Years Ago
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Thanks for that suggestion, but it doesn't achieve what I want because the texture is just a bitmap of the map.
This means I lose all the map functionality that the users expect; e.g. zooming, find area on map.
Is there a solution entirely within Nevron diagram?



Nevron Support
Posted 8 Years Ago
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hi Kevin,

No there is no build in solution in the diagram which can display this kind of chart. You can theoretically achieve this result if you get the shape coordinates, transform them trough a perspective matrix and then use the transformed shape for the actual diagram. Drawing the bars with a 3D effect is also not a big problem so this can be achieved too, but there is no build in API to achieve that.

Best Regards,
Nevron Support Team

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