Hi Experts,
I want to export the chart as a picture. Using the Chart-build-in buttons works fine:
NThinChartControl1.Toolbar.Items.Add(new NToolbarButton(new
NSaveImageAction(DateTime.Now.ToString( "yyyyMMdd_HHmmss") + "__Chart", new NPngImageFormat(), true, new NSize(0, 0), 96)));
But I want tu use my own Button-Control to export the image. I tried to use the
NThinChartControl1.ImageExporter.SaveToFile - function. Basically it is working - but the exported picture shows only the X/Y Axis and no data at all:

What must be done to get also the data ?
Furthermore, I would like to toggle
DataZoomToolAction <->
DataPanToolAction functions also from my own button-control. How can I do this ?
When I use the build-in-buttons it is working:
NThinChartControl1.Toolbar.Items.Add(new NToolbarButton(new
NThinChartControl1.Toolbar.Items.Add(new NToolbarButton(new
Thanks for your help,
Best regards,