The NOV rich text view uses the data rows from a single data table for mail merge. If you want to merge data rows from multiple data tables it is best to merge them into a single data table first and then pass this merged data table as data source for mail merge to the NOV rich text view. You can do this by creating a class that inherits
NMailMergeDataSource, overriding its
GetDataTable method to return your merged data table and assigning an instance of this class to the
DataSource property of the rich text document block's mail merge object like shown below:
richTextView.Content.MailMerge.DataSource = dataSource;
Please note that Nevron Open Vision uses its own data API (i.e. custom implementation of data sets and data tables), which is the only way to make the data layer of your application truly cross-platform. For more information about the data tables in NOV (
NDataTable) check out the
Data Tables documentation topic.
Best Regards,
Nevron Support Team