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Hi, I found the example to apply zoom to NThinChartControl but I want to apply it to NChartControl, How to do that? One more thing is that I have 4 axes on y-axis and I don't want zoom to affect anything on y axis, that means zooming should take effect only along the x axis. Is there any way to accomplish this. Thanks and regards Manal Goyal
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Also how to add NChartControl.Controller.Tools to Nevron.Chart.WebForm.NChartControl, It does not support Controller!!
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Hi Manal, There is no way to achieve this functionality using the NChartControl control. This feature is available only for the NThinWebChartControl. Is there any reason why you want to use the NChartControl? - as the NThinWebChartControl offers the same charting functionality. Regarding the zooming - you need to disable the Y axis zooming from the NDataZoomTool AllowYAxisZoom property: NDataZoomTool dataZoomTool = new NDataZoomTool(); dataZoomTool.AllowYAxisZoom = false; NThinChartControl1.Controller.Tools.Add(dataZoomTool);
Hope this helps - let us know if you meet any problems or have any questions.
Best Regards, Nevron Support Team
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Last Active: 6 Years Ago
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Hi team,
Thanks for the reply, yes you are right ThinChartControl have this functionality, but I was already using NchartControl. May be I can change that. But I wonder why there are 2 different controls for web, and whats the difference between them?
Thanks and regards Manal