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Last Active: 4 Years Ago
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Hello. I am using the RichTextView control and creating a 3 x 2 table with data in the cells. Looks fine in the GUI but when I extract the RTF string from the control, it seems to lose some formatting and when I subsequently load that RTF string to the control, it shows just the first column of the table. It doesn't matter if I create the table programmatically or in the GUI. Here is how I am getting the RTF string: Private Shared _encoding As System.Text.Encoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8 ... Public Property Rtf As System.String Get Dim currentFormat As RichTextEdit.DocumentFormats = Me._format
Me.Format = DocumentFormats.Rtf
Using ms As System.IO.MemoryStream = Me.Stream Return _encoding.GetString(ms.ToArray) End Using
Me.Format = currentFormat
End Try End Get Set(value As System.String) Dim currentFormat As RichTextEdit.DocumentFormats = Me._format
Me.Format = RichTextEdit.DocumentFormats.Rtf Using ms As New System.IO.MemoryStream(_encoding.GetBytes(value)) Me.Stream = ms End Using
Me.Format = currentFormat
End Try End Set End Property Public Property Stream As System.IO.MemoryStream Get
Dim richTextView As Nevron.Nov.Text.NRichTextView = Me._currentView
If richTextView IsNot Nothing Then Dim currentLayout As Nevron.Nov.Text.ENTextLayout = richTextView.Content.Layout Try richTextView.Content.Layout = Me._currentLayout Dim MS As New System.IO.MemoryStream richTextView.SaveToStream(MS, Me.DocumentFormat) Return MS Finally richTextView.Content.Layout = currentLayout End Try End If
Return Nothing End Get Set(value As System.IO.MemoryStream)
If value IsNot Nothing Then
Dim richTextView As Nevron.Nov.Text.NRichTextView = Me._currentView
If richTextView IsNot Nothing Then richTextView.Content.Sections.Clear() richTextView.LoadFromStream(value, Me.DocumentFormat) Me._currentLayout = richTextView.Content.Layout
If Me._navigation = NavigationView.None Then 'When displaying the plain control, display the contents in web view so scrollbars, etc. work properly. richTextView.Content.Layout = Nevron.Nov.Text.ENTextLayout.Web End If
End If
End If
End Set End Property ...
I realize you can't debug my code in a forum message, but can you point me to areas I need to look at that may affect this? Or point me to any examples (VB.Net) of how to extract the RTF string from the richtextview so it can be saved and retrieved from a database, saved and retrieved from a rtf file? I have successfully done this with images, text, bolded, fonts, etc. just have troubles with tables.
Thank you very much! Tom G.