The user cuts and pastes the images directly into the control. Then we essentially SaveToStream as RTF format:
Public Property Stream As System.IO.MemoryStream
Dim richTextView As Nevron.Nov.Text.NRichTextView = Me._currentView
If richTextView IsNot Nothing Then
Dim currentLayout As Nevron.Nov.Text.ENTextLayout = richTextView.Content.Layout
richTextView.Content.Layout = Me._currentLayout
Dim MS As New System.IO.MemoryStream
If Me.Format = DocumentFormats.Html Then
'Use inline styles because Outlook doesn't handle css well.
Dim saveSettings As New Nevron.Nov.Text.Formats.Html.NHtmlSaveSettings
saveSettings.InlineStyles = True
richTextView.SaveToStream(MS, Me.DocumentFormat, saveSettings)
richTextView.SaveToStream(MS, Me.DocumentFormat)
End If
Return MS
richTextView.Content.Layout = currentLayout
End Try
End If
(There's more in the attached txt file.)
Let me know if you need more. Thanks!