There are two ways in which you can define the path of a geometry:
1. With Plotter Commands
Plotter commands such as NMoveTo, NLineTo, NArcTo etc.provide the ability define dynamic geometries, that are driven by expressions, because each aspect of a plotter command is controlled by a property to which you can assign an expression. The MoveTo, LineTo etc. commands of NGeometry take object parameters, which can be double values, strings representing formula expressions or expression objects - for example:
geometry.MoveTo(0, "Height / 2");
geometry.LineTo("Width", "Height / 2");
draws a horizontal line in the middle of the shape. The same can be achieved with relative coordinates and values only:
geometry.RelMoveTo(0d, 0.5d)
geometry.RelLineTo(1d, 0.5d)
With DrawBox Commands
DrawBox commands such as NDrawRectangle, NDrawEllipse,NDrawPolygon, NDrawPolyline and NDrawPath provide the ability to draw geometries with many vertices, that stretch to a box inside the shape coordinate system.DrawBox commands are commonly used when you create clip-art shapes.For example:
NDrawRectangle rect = new NDrawRectangle(new NRectangle(0, 0, 1, 1));
Best Regards,
Nevron Support Team