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Getting keyboard input when a button is clicked

Posted By Jobelle Firme 4 Years Ago
Jobelle Firme
Question Posted 4 Years Ago
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I was wondering if there is a way to get keyeventargs when a button is clicked? To be specific, I wanted to know if the Shift key was pressed when the Delete button was clicked.

I currently have:

AddHandler RibbonButtonDelete.Click, AddressOf ButtonDeleteFile_Click
Private Sub ButtonDeleteFile_Click(ByVal e As NEventArgs)
   'code here
 End Sub

Thank you.

Nevron Support
Posted 4 Years Ago
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You can use the NKeyboard.ShiftPressed property to check if the Shift key is pressed. For example:

Private Sub Button_Click(ByVal e As NEventArgs)
  If (NKeyboard.ShiftPressed) Then
   MessageBox.Show("Shift pressed!")
  End If
End Sub

Best Regards,
Nevron Support Team

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