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How to set font size and style for each shape file

Posted By Kirk Kanjian 3 Years Ago

How to set font size and style for each shape file

Kirk Kanjian
Posted 3 Years Ago
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I am using Nevron diagram and trying to set Font size and style for each shape.
But it is taking the last shape style for the entire renderings.
Please let me know how to set font styles for each shape

Code used for setting font style for each shape:

For Each s As NShape In document.Descendants(NFilters.Shape2D, -1)
      If Not IsNothing(s.Tag) Then
      Dim roomInfo As RoomInfo = s.Tag
      Dim roomNumber As String = roomInfo.RoomNumber
      Dim customFontSize as Single = roomInfo.CustomFontSize

      Dim textSize As Single 
       If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(customFontSize ) Then
        textSize = Convert.ToSingle(customFontSize )
        Dim textStyle As New NTextStyle
        textStyle = s.ComposeTextStyle()
        textStyle.FontStyle = New NFontStyle("Arial", textSize)
         NStyle.SetTextStyle(s, textStyle)
        End If
    End If

Nevron Support
Posted 3 Years Ago
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By default the composed text style is the text style of the drawing document and every change changes it directly. That is why the style of the last shape is applied to the document's text style and then to all other shapes.

To avoid this issue, you should clone the composed text style and then modify the cloned version. Here's how to clone it:

Dim textStyle As NTextStyle = CType(s.ComposeTextStyle().Clone(), NTextStyle)

To save memory and improve performance we recommend you clone and apply a text style only to shapes whose text style should be different from the text style of the drawing document.

Best Regards,
Nevron Support Team

Kirk Kanjian
Posted 3 Years Ago
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I implemented the code and cloned the shapefile style. But still i am seeing no difference in the text size for each shape file.
Please let me know what i am missing.

For Each s As NShape In document.Descendants(NFilters.Shape2D, -1)
  If Not IsNothing(s.Tag) Then
    Dim roomInfo As RoomInfo = s.Tag
    Dim roomNumber As String = roomInfo.RoomNumber
    Dim customFontSize as Single = roomInfo.CustomFontSize
    Dim textSize As Single

    If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(customFontSize) Then
      textSize = Convert.ToSingle(customFontSize)
      Dim textStyle As NTextStyle = CType(s.ComposeTextStyle().Clone(), NTextStyle)
      textStyle.FontStyle = New NFontStyle("Arial", textSize)
      NStyle.SetTextStyle(s, textStyle)
    End If
  End If

Nevron Support
Posted 3 Years Ago
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Hi Kirk,

A better solution would be to create a custom NShapeCreatedListener and then override its OnPolygonLabelCreated method. This method is called every time a label of a polygon (room in your case) is created. You can use it to modify the style of the created map label.

Please take a look at the following NOV Diagram web example:

You will find the custom implementation of the NShapeCreatedListener at the end of the code in the "Source Code" tab.

We hope this helps. Let us know if you have any questions.

Best Regards,
Nevron Support Team

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