Hi Jason,
You can use the current view.SceneToDevice transformation to convert between logical coordinates used by the diagram document and their pixel counterparts (e.g. client coordinates) of the drawing view. For example: if you want to get the location of a group in the drawing view client coordinate system you can use:
NPointF ptClient = view.SceneToDevice.TransformPoint(group.Location);
For the purpose of UI automation all methods that relate to user input are performed by public counterparts in the view. For example: the override of OnMouseDown(...) in NView is actually calling the DoMouseDown public virtual method. You can simulate or record user actions by overriding the respective DoXXX methods.
The diagram shapes and elements are not Windows Forms controls, because they need to support affine transformations, rendering in multiple layers, image filter effects etc. UI Automation tools only record up to control level, because they do not have any idea how the user input is processed inside the control, nor they have an idea which events to hook.
If you are interested in hit testing the document by a client point, check out the LastDocumentHit method of the NDrawingView.
Best regards,