I am using the following code (cut from the Nevron examples) to get the callback service for a NDrawingDocument object.
var cs = NDiagramCallbackService.GetCallbackService('<%=NDrawingView1.ClientID%>');
This code works perfectly well in FireFox (3.5.4) as well as IE 7 and 8.
I get an error in IE6 however, indicating that the variable 'cs' has returned the following error:
Object does not support the property or method.
Here is the rendered JavaScript from within IE:
function Pan(direction)
if(typeof(NDiagramCallbackService) == "undefined")
//var zoomSelect = document.getElementById("zoomSelect");
var cs = NDiagramCallbackService.GetCallbackService('ctl00_ctl00_phForContent_phForContent_diagramView1_NDrawingView1');
var attributes = new Array();
attributes["direction"] = direction;
/*if(null != cs)*/
cs.InvokeCustomCommand("pan", attributes);
Does Nevron Diagram .NET for the Web currently support Internet Explorer 6? If not, are there any workarounds that I might be able to easily implement?