We would recommend you to use the latest version of Nevron .NET Vision which is available from our website.
Regarding your questions – Nevron Chart for .NET provides support for Windows Forms and Web Forms. There is no separate gauge control in the VS Toolbox. The Gauge is available as part of Nevron Chart for .NET, in order to create a simple gauge you can follow these steps:
1. Drop the NChartControl control to a form.
2. Go to the form source code and insert:
using Nevron.Chart;
using Nevron.GraphicsCore;
at the top list of imported namespaces.
3. In the form load insert the following code:
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
// add a radial gauge to the chart
NRadialGaugePanel radialGauge = new NRadialGaugePanel();
// add a need indicator
NNeedleValueIndicator needleIndicator = new NNeedleValueIndicator();
needleIndicator.Value = 50;
This creates a simple radial gauge from 0 to 100 and a needle indicator pointing at 50.
Then you can start adding embellishments – adding the following code will produce a much better looking gauge:
// configure begin and sweep angle
radialGauge.SweepAngle = 270;
radialGauge.BeginAngle = -225;
// add a need indicator
NNeedleValueIndicator needleIndicator = new NNeedleValueIndicator();
needleIndicator.Value = 50;
// configure begin and sweep angle
radialGauge.SweepAngle = 270;
radialGauge.BeginAngle = -225;
// configure the scale
NGaugeAxis axis = (NGaugeAxis)radialGauge.Axes[0];
NStandardScaleConfigurator scale = (NStandardScaleConfigurator)axis.ScaleConfigurator;
scale.MinorTickCount = 3;
scale.RulerStyle.FillStyle = new NColorFillStyle(Color.FromArgb(40, Color.White));
scale.OuterMajorTickStyle.FillStyle = new NColorFillStyle(Color.Orange);
scale.LabelStyle.TextStyle.FontStyle = new NFontStyle("Arial", 12, FontStyle.Bold);
scale.LabelStyle.TextStyle.FillStyle = new NColorFillStyle(Color.White);
// set rounded border
radialGauge.BorderStyle = new NEdgeBorderStyle(BorderShape.Auto);
// set some background
NAdvancedGradientFillStyle advGradient = new NAdvancedGradientFillStyle();
advGradient.BackgroundColor = Color.Black;
advGradient.Points.Add(new NAdvancedGradientPoint(Color.White, 10, 10, 0, 100, AGPointShape.Circle));
radialGauge.BackgroundFillStyle = advGradient;
Hopefully this helps – let us know if you have any questions or meet any problems.
Kind regards,
Nevron Support Team
Best Regards,
Nevron Support Team