I try to display the surface coordinate under the mouse during the mouse move. My chart contains two NTriangulatedSurfaceSeries surfaces. Each of them is a hemisphere. After calling hitTest, I get a NSurfaceTriangle object from the hitTestResult. The NSurfaceTriangle object has three data index. I believe they are the index pointing to the NTriangulatedSurfaceSeries->(X)(Z)Values array. However the index and the coordinate extract from the array are everything but correct.
For instance with a PredefinedProjection:
rthogonalTop, only the north hemisphere is visible. When the mouse moves around the north pole, I get random height values (from -1 to +1, both my two hemispheres have 1 as their radius). The height value should be round 1. The series index should always be 0 (meaning the north hemisphere). But sometimes, I got 1 as the series index (meaning the south hemisphere).
Is it a bug with hitTest? Can anyone tell me how to make it works?
Thank you.
Yong Fang