I am using Nevron Diagram to create a diagram with data stored in my database to create objects of type NShape performed with for what follows
Dim read As SqlDataReader = consultadatosDB (consultaobjetivos)
Do While lectura.Read ()
Nombre_objetos Dim As NShape = CreateFlowChartingShape (Documento_diagrama, FlowChartingShapes.Decision, GetGridCell (lectura.Item (4), lectura.Item (5)), lectura.Item (1), "CPA")
This works fine, but when I create the connectors I have a problem, because only I have the name of a NShape, I wonder how I can create dynamic way connectors with different names to create their connectors,
CreateConnector (Documento_diagrama, nombre_objetos, "Center", nombre_objetos, "Center", ConnectorType.Line, "NO")
Thank you very much.