Hi Jacky,
All the images in the gallery are generated using the control, without any post processing in any imaging software.
The point chart screenshots just illustrate possible configurations of the control that anyone can achieve - in the case of the 2D chart it simply uses per data point fill style, data labels. The following code sample shows the the chart API functions involved to recreate the screenshot:
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
NCartesianChart chart = new NCartesianChart();
NPointSeries point = new NPointSeries();
point.PointShape = PointShape.Ellipse;
point.InflateMargins = true;
point.FillStyles[0] = new NGradientFillStyle(Color.White, Color.Orange);
point.FillStyles[1] = new NGradientFillStyle(Color.White, Color.Gray);
point.FillStyles[2] = new NGradientFillStyle(Color.White, Color.DarkRed);
point.BorderStyles[0] = new NStrokeStyle(2, Color.Orange);
point.BorderStyles[1] = new NStrokeStyle(2, Color.Gray);
point.BorderStyles[2] = new NStrokeStyle(2, Color.DarkRed);
point.DataLabelStyles[0] = CreateDataLabelStyle(point, (NFillStyle)point.FillStyles[0]);
point.DataLabelStyles[1] = CreateDataLabelStyle(point, (NFillStyle)point.FillStyles[1]);
point.DataLabelStyles[2] = CreateDataLabelStyle(point, (NFillStyle)point.FillStyles[2]);
// ordinal scale labels
NOrdinalScaleConfigurator ordScale = chart.Axis(StandardAxis.PrimaryX).ScaleConfigurator as NOrdinalScaleConfigurator;
ordScale.AutoLabels = false;
ordScale.Labels.Add("Item 1");
ordScale.Labels.Add("Item 2");
ordScale.Labels.Add("Item 3");
// y scale stripes
NLinearScaleConfigurator linearScale = chart.Axis(StandardAxis.PrimaryY).ScaleConfigurator as NLinearScaleConfigurator;
NScaleStripStyle stripStyle = new NScaleStripStyle(new NColorFillStyle(Color.Beige), null, true, 0, 0, 1, 1);
stripStyle.Interlaced = true;
stripStyle.ShowAtWalls = new ChartWallType[] { ChartWallType.Back };
private static NDataLabelStyle CreateDataLabelStyle(NPointSeries point, NFillStyle fillStyle)
NDataLabelStyle dls3 = (NDataLabelStyle)point.DataLabelStyle.Clone();
dls3.TextStyle.BackplaneStyle.FillStyle = (NFillStyle)fillStyle.Clone();
dls3.TextStyle.BackplaneStyle.StandardFrameStyle.InnerBorderWidth = new NLength(0);
dls3.Visible = true;
dls3.TextStyle.BackplaneStyle.Shape = BackplaneShape.SmoothEdgeRectangle;
return dls3;
Hope this helps - let us know if you have any questions or comments.
Best Regards,
Nevron Support Team