I am trying to stretch out the X axis data of an NLineSeries so that the first point touches the left side of the chart and the last point touches the right (see image 1 for a photoshopped version of what I'm trying to do). By default, the data tick line is at the point, so I change that with
ordinalScaleConfigurator.DisplayDataPointsBetweenTicks = false;
This works OK, but there is still a gap between the axis wall and the beginning of the line (see image 2).
It appears that the flags needed to stretch it out are InflateViewRangeBegin and InflateViewRangeEnd.
ordinalScaleConfigurator.InflateViewRangeBegin = true;
ordinalScaleConfigurator.InflateViewRangeEnd = true;
When I do that, however, the chart gets smaller to make room for a second 0 and an unlabelled last tick (see image 3). This isn't right at all. What do I need to do to accomplish the effect in image 1?