Hi Lee,
When you apply a range view to the axis this will not modify the scale tick origin (0 by default). This is by design. In order modify the tick origin you need to specify a new origin for the ticks - scaleX.Origin = 2:
NChart chart = nChartControl1.Charts[0];
NBarSeries bar = new NBarSeries();
Random rand = new Random ();
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
bar.DataLabelStyle.Visible = false;
NAxis axisX = chart.Axis(StandardAxis.PrimaryX);
axisX.View = new NRangeAxisView(new NRange1DD(2, 8), true, true);
NLinearScaleConfigurator scaleX = new NLinearScaleConfigurator();
axisX.ScaleConfigurator = scaleX;
scaleX.MajorTickMode = MajorTickMode.CustomStep;
scaleX.CustomStep = 3;
scaleX.Origin = 2;
Hope this helps - let us know if you meet any probelms or have any questions.
Best Regards,
Nevron Support Team