Hi William,
In general there are two reasons why an axis labels may become smaller than specified:
1. The axis lables are overlapping and the control has AutoScale enabled to resolve those overlaps. To turn off this feature go to axis \ Advanced tab and AutoScale from the "Label Overlap Resolve Mode" check list.
2. The axis label size become bigger than maximum margin allowed for the axes. By default the control restricts the total size of the axes to be around 30% of the total area reserved by the chart. This is done to improve readability of charts with long labels (absent this restriction axis label can "eat" all the space available for the chart and the user will not see any data). To turn off this feature go to Chart Areas\2D - 3D Effects tab. In the Max Dock Zone Margins group uncheck Automatic and specify very large values for the Left, Right, Top and Bottom margins (for example 10000).
If the problem is cause by something else please send an rdl file and data to reproduce the problem and check for available solution.
Let us know if you have any questions or comments.
Best Regards,
Nevron Support Team