Please tell me how do I configure axis to appear as follows:
- axis view range is divided with major ticks and grid lines to exact number of intervals, with axis label centered around major tick mark
- axis labels appear also on the beginning and the end of range
- on data zoom this configuration is preserved, i.e. axis automatically adjust itself to divide new (zoomed) view range to specified number of intervals.
For now I'm using NDateTimeScaleConfigurator for X-axis and NLinearScaleConfigurator for Y-axis with:
scaleConfigurator.MajorTickMode = MajorTickMode.AutoMaxCount;
scaleConfigurator.MaxTickCount = numberOfIntervals;
Control documentation mentions NDensityRange class, which seems like possible solution, but I've failed to get to desired results with manual axis programming.
Please help!
Thank you in advance,
P.S.: Nevron Chart is v2012Vol1 Enterprise.