Hi Lionel,
You can generated SVG content with interactivity - the following code snippet shows how to create a chart with per bar interactivity:
NChart chart = nChartControl1.Charts[0];
NBarSeries bar = new NBarSeries();
// value 0
NInteractivityStyle bar0IS = new NInteractivityStyle();
bar0IS.CustomMapAreaAttribute.JScriptAttribute = "onclick = 'Alert(\"Bar0\")'";
bar.InteractivityStyles.Add(0, bar0IS);
// value 1
NInteractivityStyle bar1IS = new NInteractivityStyle();
bar1IS.CustomMapAreaAttribute.JScriptAttribute = "onclick = 'Alert(\"Bar1\")'";
bar.InteractivityStyles.Add(1, bar1IS);
// value 2
NInteractivityStyle bar2IS = new NInteractivityStyle();
bar2IS.CustomMapAreaAttribute.JScriptAttribute = "onclick = 'Alert(\"Bar2\")'";
bar.InteractivityStyles.Add(2, bar2IS);
NSvgImageFormat svgImageFormat = new NSvgImageFormat();
svgImageFormat.EnableInteractivity = true;
StringBuilder customScript = new StringBuilder();
customScript.AppendLine("function Alert(message)");
svgImageFormat.CustomScript = customScript.ToString();
// configure the control to generate SVG.
NImageResponse imageResponse = new NImageResponse();
imageResponse.ImageFormat = svgImageFormat;
nChartControl1.ServerSettings.BrowserResponseSettings.DefaultResponse = imageResponse;
This code will generate an svg chart, which will call the Alert method defined in the custom script generated by control. You can of course change that to any valid JavaScript method etc.
Hope this helps - let us know if you meet any problems or have any questions.
Best Regards,
Nevron Support Team