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Changing Legend entry text for TriangulatedSurfaceSeries

Posted By joern kunze 9 Years Ago

Changing Legend entry text for TriangulatedSurfaceSeries

joern kunze
Posted 9 Years Ago
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Hi Experts,
I have a TriangulatedSurface Chart with a legend with custom colouring and I just want to change the text of the first legend entry ("-1000,00 - 0,00") of the chart below to "NaN":
The Chart legend has been setup with the following:

      NLegendItemCellData legendItemCellData = null;
       NLegend oLegend = _oLegend;

       oLegend.Mode = LegendMode.Automatic;   //Manual Mode doesnt quite work 

       nSeries.AutomaticPalette = false;

       //first Palette entry is NaN
       nSeries.Palette.Add(-1000, Color.White);
       legendItemCellData = new NLegendItemCellData();
       legendItemCellData.Text = "NaN";
       legendItemCellData.MarkFillStyle = new NColorFillStyle(Color.White);
       legendItemCellData.MarkShape = LegendMarkShape.Rectangle;
       legendItemCellData.MarkLineStyle = new NStrokeStyle(Color.White);

       foreach (double f in _PlotData.ColorPalette.Keys) {
        Color oColor = _PlotData.ColorPalette[f];
        nSeries.Palette.Add(f, oColor);

        legendItemCellData = new NLegendItemCellData();
        legendItemCellData.Text = "> " + f.ToString("G4");  //in Automatic Mode Ignored
        legendItemCellData.MarkFillStyle = new NColorFillStyle(oColor);
        legendItemCellData.MarkShape = LegendMarkShape.Rectangle;
        legendItemCellData.MarkLineStyle = new NStrokeStyle(Color.White);


The only way I have found is to set the legend to Manual mode ( oLegend.Mode = LegendMode.Manual) - but this is somehow awkward since I cant get the ManualMode running in the way I want - besides I have togenerate the text for the ranges then manual as well - but I am quite satisfied with the automatic text for the label.

So is there a way to change just the first text entry of the legend after the legend has been created in Automatic-Mode?

Thanks for your help,

Nevron Support
Posted 9 Years Ago
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Hi Joern,

There is no way to change the output of the automatic legend - the only way to work around this is to use Manual mode and create the legend items from code...

Best Regards,
Nevron Support Team

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